
About BSA Troop 224

Troop 224 serves the communities of Friendswood and Webster, TX. Our Scouts are from CCISD schools such as Brookside Intermediate, Westbrook Intermediate, and Clear Brook High School. We meet on Tuesdays at 7 PM at Southeast Church of Christ on Bay Area Boulevard.

Per BSA Policy, we accept boys ages 11-18. 10-year-olds who have earned the Arrow of Light award in Cub Scouts are also eligible. Any boys who meet the BSA eligibility requirements are welcome to join.

We have approximately 20 Scouts in our troop, and we are always happy to see new members!

Our troop participates in many service projects for our community. Some of our projects include Scouting for Food, which brings in food for the Houston Food Bank and Souper Bowl of Caring; and the annual National Association of Letter Carriers Food Drive, which brings in food for numerous local food banks. Our Eagle Scouts have managed numerous projects supporting local schools, parks, community groups, etc. Every year we assist San Jacinto District with the Pushmobile event for district Cub Scout packs.

Come see what our troop is all about!

Register to join our troop at the following link: